Bathroom Reveal | Spring 2020 One Room Challenge
It may be the middle of July, and we didn’t finish the bathroom remodel in time for the Spring One Room Challenge, but it’s FINALLY…
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It may be the middle of July, and we didn’t finish the bathroom remodel in time for the Spring One Room Challenge, but it’s FINALLY…
Continue ReadingWell, as you know, this is the final week of the One Room Challenge… and we did not finish the bathroom. *Sigh*. We are disappointed that we…
Continue ReadingTime sure flys when you’re having fun tiling! ? This week flew by, and we really did put in a lot of work for the One Room Challenge this week,…
Continue ReadingI honestly can’t imagine how we would have ever got this bathroom done within the normal 6-week One Room Challenge. With that being said……
Continue ReadingI can’t believe it’s the halfway mark of the One Room Challenge! How is that possible?! There is still so much to do, but we’re…
Continue ReadingWell, we’re a litttleeee behind for week 3 of the One Room Challenge. But! We got everything we needed to get done, which is great. This…
Continue ReadingIt’s already week 2 of the One Room Challenge! Anddd we’ve made little progress in our master bathroom ?. But, that’s okay –…
Continue ReadingWhoooo! I am so excited, and so nervous at the same time right now. I decided this past winter to join the One Room Challenge for this Spring as a…
Continue ReadingI can’t believe it. I really cannot believe it! Our master bathroom is finished! Since the day we moved into this house, this bathroom was on…
Continue ReadingOh man, this post is definitely long overdue! We’ve had so many people lately ask “Where’s your bathroom vanity from?!” or…
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