Apparently, I have a “green thumb”. At least that’s what my family says! Well, here’s a little secret that my family may not know… I have ALL low maintenance plants in my house… LOL.
I never was really into plants until we bought our first house. They bring so much life to a space and actually most of them purify the air you breathe! I don’t have any kids as of yet, so it has to be that motherly instinct that keeps me buying more!
For all of you who think you don’t have a “green thumb”, here are some of my favorite low maintenance house plants that are so hard to kill, you can finally become that plant mom you’ve always wanted to be!
1. Snake Plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue)
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
I must say… this plant is the easiest to care for out of all the plants I have. The snake plant can survive in low light and drought conditions. They can be neglected for weeks at a time and still be fine! Their leaves are super hardy. They also help keep the air inside your home clean from toxins like formaldehyde and benzene! That sounds like the ultimate houseplant to me!
2. The Pothos (Golden)
Botanical Name: Epipremnum Aureum
The pothos is considered a beginner’s houseplant. The plant can grow in low, medium or high light conditions and it can also tolerate a bit of drought and doesn’t need to be watered that often. The Pothos sits dear to my heart because this plant actually used to be my grandmother’s who passed away when I was 14. So by default, it’s my favorite. 🙂
3. Aloe Plant
Botanical Name: Aloe Vera
Most know the aloe vera plant for its help with soothing sunburns. But did you know that the Aloe Vera plant is actually from the succulent family? I only found that out after recently getting this little guy.
Succulents do best in dry conditions so the soil of the aloe vera plant should be allowed to go completely dry before being watered again. But, this is not a low light plant & if it’s not getting the light it needs, the leaves will droop.
4. Burros Tail (Donkey’s Tail)
Botanical Name: Sedum Morganianum
This cutie was recently given to me by Tammy for my birthday! Isn’t she the sweetest! 🙂
The Donkey’s Tail succulent is a really cool looking plant. The stems have a lot of tiny leaves and they kind of resemble a donkey’s tail (Hence the name). Healthy plants can grow stems as long as 3 to 4 feet! So, they look great in hanging baskets. I still need to find a place to hang this new dude!
Though this guy is super nice to look at… his leaves are pretty fragile if they are bumped, so handle with care!
5. Zebra Plant or Zebra Haworthia
Botanical Name: Haworthia
I’m literally laughing as I’m typing this because they say that Zebra plants are perfect TINY little house plants. LOL. I would say he’s a great house plant, but tiny??! This guy has a mind of his own!! He’s grown so much and has pretty much split into two. I had to put him in his own pot because he was literally taking over other neighboring succulents.
The care for a Zebra plant is basically just like other succulents. I’ve found what I’ve read online, the zebra plant and all my other succulents actually need a lot more water than what was recommended. I was actually surprised at the amount of water they need to survive. (Probably why I killed a few in the beginning…) However, they don’t like to be watered as frequently as most indoor plants. Just let them completely dry out between waterings. And when you do water them… don’t hold back.
I’m sure as time goes on and more and more plants start making their way into my home, I’ll have a much bigger list of easy to care for house plants. But for now, these are my top 5. If you are nervous about keeping plants alive in your house, DON’T BE. Just fake a green thumb like I do and get ones that are all easy to care for! LOL
The Pothos is my favorite plant too!
<3 :)